Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bill Gates

Leonardo da Vinci, the Codex Leicester, and the Creative Mind –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

June 21, 2015 – August 30, 2015 | Target Galleries | Ticketed exhibition Engineer, inventor, scientist, artist: Leonardo da Vinci embodies the ideal of an innovative mind who uses his vast intellect, powers of observation, and boundless curiosity to explore the world around him. This rare exhibition presents one of Leonardo’s original notebooks, a vital tool in his creative process, and examines how his renaissance thinking is shared by some of today’s most visionary artists, engineers, and designers. To show how sketching helps ideas emerge, often in dynamic, non-linear ways, this presentation of the Codex Leicester is paired with contemporary works by artists and designers
Shop Leonardo da Vinci Codex Leicester Courtesy Bill

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